This version has been developed by Yesilmen over the latest version of BlizzCMS and includes vMANGoS compability and new features.
Some of the new features and improvements can be seen below;
- Complete VMaNGOS compability.
- New installation script that directs the user based on OS/Environment.
- Tweaks to work on multiple Web Servers including Apache/Nginx/IIS.
- Redis caching for *nix operating systems.
- Functioning reCAPTCHA.
- New lightweight dark theme.
- Brand new customizable armory.
- Base character info,
- 3D Model Viewer (Fast: Uses plain displayID, Detailed: Converts old displayID to Classic displayID using Classic's DBC. You can also create a separate table instead of remote call.),
- Dynamic Base Stats,
- Primary & Secondary Professions,
- PvP Stats,
- Ability to show enchants on items (by using WoWHead's tooltip instead of ClassicDB),
- Ability to show all character stats instead of just base-ones.
- Rest API implementation for future developments.
- Built-in account activation.
- Built-in account recovery.
- Built-in dynamic CSRF protection on each page.
- Tweaked Admin Panel. (SMTP tester, handlers and logs etc.)
- On-the-fly downloadable Realmlist.
- Bug fixes and improvements.
- and more...
It still requires a lot of changes and effort, this is the part where you step in! :-)